in process of time | | Soil without land
in process of time | |Soil without land
Nontawat Numbenchapol
Designer: Nattapol Rojjanarattanangkool
Photo Editor: Withit Chanthamarit
Publisher : SAC Anthropology
Printing at Parbpim Printing Ltd. ภาพพิมพ์ Parbpim Printing
Paperback with Jacket
Open binding
288 pages
English with Thai transltion
Publication date: July 2020
The photobook “in process of time” explores the process of time from past to present by means of on-site research that has been documented and made into documentary photography by Thai film director Nontawat Numbenchapol when he carried out research for his film script between 2016-2020
The photography starts with those photographs taken from Loi Kaw Wan, the borderland between Myanmar and Northern Thailand and the military base of the Shan State Army (SSA), then followed by those taken during Shan national day celebrations in Tachileik, a border town in the Shan State of Myanmar, and finally ends with those capturing the Shan moving into Chiang Mai to live in their land of hope and dream.
Contemplating the meaning of the process of time, Nontawat addresses questions in connection with his documentary photography and explores the historical, social, political and cultural meanings behind those photographs by inviting writers, academics, and artists with passionate interest and thorough understandings of the contexts and issues to write articles.
in process of time | |Soil without land
Nontawat Numbenchapol
Designer: Nattapol Rojjanarattanangkool
Photo Editor: Withit Chanthamarit
Publisher : SAC Anthropology
Printing at Parbpim Printing Ltd. ภาพพิมพ์ Parbpim Printing
Paperback with Jacket
Open binding
288 pages
English with Thai transltion
Publication date: July 2020
The photobook “in process of time” explores the process of time from past to present by means of on-site research that has been documented and made into documentary photography by Thai film director Nontawat Numbenchapol when he carried out research for his film script between 2016-2020
The photography starts with those photographs taken from Loi Kaw Wan, the borderland between Myanmar and Northern Thailand and the military base of the Shan State Army (SSA), then followed by those taken during Shan national day celebrations in Tachileik, a border town in the Shan State of Myanmar, and finally ends with those capturing the Shan moving into Chiang Mai to live in their land of hope and dream.
Contemplating the meaning of the process of time, Nontawat addresses questions in connection with his documentary photography and explores the historical, social, political and cultural meanings behind those photographs by inviting writers, academics, and artists with passionate interest and thorough understandings of the contexts and issues to write articles.
in process of time | |Soil without land
Nontawat Numbenchapol
Designer: Nattapol Rojjanarattanangkool
Photo Editor: Withit Chanthamarit
Publisher : SAC Anthropology
Printing at Parbpim Printing Ltd. ภาพพิมพ์ Parbpim Printing
Paperback with Jacket
Open binding
288 pages
English with Thai transltion
Publication date: July 2020
The photobook “in process of time” explores the process of time from past to present by means of on-site research that has been documented and made into documentary photography by Thai film director Nontawat Numbenchapol when he carried out research for his film script between 2016-2020
The photography starts with those photographs taken from Loi Kaw Wan, the borderland between Myanmar and Northern Thailand and the military base of the Shan State Army (SSA), then followed by those taken during Shan national day celebrations in Tachileik, a border town in the Shan State of Myanmar, and finally ends with those capturing the Shan moving into Chiang Mai to live in their land of hope and dream.
Contemplating the meaning of the process of time, Nontawat addresses questions in connection with his documentary photography and explores the historical, social, political and cultural meanings behind those photographs by inviting writers, academics, and artists with passionate interest and thorough understandings of the contexts and issues to write articles.